5 Common Reasons Why Your Kernels Might End Up Undercooked

written by
Christopher Rolfson
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Do you ever reach for a delicious microwave popcorn bag and take it out only to find the kernels inside are still undercooked? Well, you're not alone!

For the popcorn connoisseurs out there, the perfect snack is one with kernels that are light, fluffy, and crisped to perfection. But sometimes, this isn't easy to achieve. Today, we'll be exploring five common reasons why your kernels might end up undercooked.

  1. Not Using Fresh Popcorn

Popcorn lovers know that using stale kernels is a recipe for disaster. Old, expired popcorn kernels contain moisture that can lead to undercooked popcorn. Make sure to purchase fresh popcorn kernels each time you plan to make microwave popcorn.

  1. The Microwave Isn't Hot Enough

Sometimes the problem has to do with the microwave itself. If the microwave isn’t hot enough to cook the kernels, then there’s a good chance they’ll end up undercooked. Make sure to set the heat level to High, or the highest setting available.

  1. Not Stirring the Kernels Mid-Cooking

Stirring the popping kernels about halfway through the cooking time is essential for making sure every piece gets cooked. This also helps disperse the heat more evenly, leading to a perfectly-cooked bag of popcorn each and every time!

  1. Too Many Kernels in the Bag

A common mistake when making microwave popcorn is to think more kernels = more popcorn. Actually, more kernels = less cooked kernels. The kernels themselves block the microwave’s heat from reaching the rest of the bag, leading to an undercooked snack.

  1. Not Cooking Long Enough

What if you cook the popcorn and the bag seems full, but you’re still not happy with the results? Chances are you didn’t cook it for long enough. Listen out for popping, and don’t stop cooking until the time between pops starts to get longer.

If you’re looking for a perfect bag of popcorn each and every time, try following the tips above. Then all you’ll have to worry about is stocking up on the best bags of popcorn. Sign up for the Kernel Kravings newsletter to stay up to date on the latest popcorn reviews, recipes, and more!

About the Author

Christopher Rolfson is a microwave popcorn enthusiast and Houston, Texas-based blogger behind Kernel Kravings. He's dedicated to sharing the best popcorn recipes, cooking tips, and product reviews.

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